Leadership Team


Our leadership team model is inspired by the Five-fold ministry leadership model Paul outlines in Ephesians 4:11.

Apostolic Leader

The Apostolic Leader, Karen Brooks-Wells, is tasked with establishing vision, direction, and foundation for the ministry. Karen’s deepest passion is for the presence of the Holy Spirit. His nearness and His heartbeat is the driving force in Karen’s life. Her vision is to see this current generation walk in radical, wrecked obedience to the Father’s heart.

Prophetic Leader

Evangelistic Leaders

Evangelistic  Leaders enable the church to focus on carrying out the Great Commission.  Amanda ‘s fervent dedication is to see people set free from the effects of trauma. Amanda carries a zeal for outreach, coordinated prayer walks and partnership with other ministries in our community.

Dr. Amanda Helman

Pastoral Leader

Jerry & Teri Klinger

The Pastoral Leader oversees relational development within the ministry (prayer ministry team, greeters, etc.). Jerry Klinger carries a huge pastoral heart and insures that those who walk through the doors of Ekballo and MHOP are welcomed and loved well.

Teaching Leader

The Teaching Leader, Teri Klinger, helps teach core values and assists in training for those who wish to get more involved with the ministry. As a biblical counseling teacher, Teri has a passion to see people set free and made whole through personal revelation of biblical truth.

Intercessory Leader

Ekballo Harvest would not be what it is without input from our Intercessory Leader, Gail Okuley. Her passion is to see kingdom transformation and an outbreak of miracles in the Lehigh Valley through prophetic prayer and praise. Gail and her husband, Gordon, also lead an intercessory ministry, Pray for Lehigh Valley to spur Alignment, Activation, and Acceleration in expanding God’s Kingdom.

Board of Directors:

  • President: Karen Brooks-Wells
  • Treasurer: Teri Klinger
  • Secretary: JoAnne Garbarini