John G. Lake
“The Christian, the child of God, the Christ man who has committed his body as well as his spirit and soul to God, ought not to not be a subject for healing. He ought to be a subject of continuous, abiding health, because he is filled with the life of God.”
-The Collected Works of John G. Lake
The beginning…
If ever there was a man who walked in the revelation of “God in man” it was, John G. Lake. A man of purpose, vision, strength, & character, his one goal in life was to bring the fullness of God to every person. He often said that the secret of heaven’s power was not in the doing, but in the being. He believed that Spirit-filled Christians should enjoy the same type of ministry Jesus did while living on the earth, and that this reality could only be accomplished by seeing themselves as God saw them. John G. Lake lived his life and fulfilled his ministry in the earth with this type of spiritual understanding. If we would grasp the reality of our position through Jesus Christ as Lake did, can you imagine the increase the Kingdom of God would have in Bethlehem, in the Lehigh Valley, in Pennsylvania, the United States, & to the ends of the earth.
John G. Lake said his driving force was an intense longing for an intimacy and a consciousness of God, His love, presence, & power. He began praying daily for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Setting aside daily times of prayer dedicated to God. He prayed for 9 months, honestly, sincerely in faith. Finally receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, with Power. After which he opened the healing rooms ministry because of the power of God that came on him.
In 1915, he began the Spokane Divine Healing Institute, latter called the Healing Rooms, training up what he called “Healing Technicians”. His instruction to them were to go to the home of a sick person and not come back until the person was healed. Some might be gone for an hour, some a day, and some for weeks. Lake commented: “We pray until we are satisfied in our souls that the work is complete.
He began seeing people’s illness by laying on of hands. Organs which were diseased, that doctors could not diagnose, He would see & speak health & healing.
He had such an incredible healing ministry, that according to statistics, Spokane, Washington was declared the healthiest City in America
He would take his teams into the hospitals, going room to room to pray for the sick. Cleaning out the hospitals.
They documented over 100,000 miraculous healings in a five year period. Break that down, 20,000 per year, 1,667 per month, averaging 55 healings per day.
In 1920 Lake moved to Portland, Or. Opening another Healing ministry like the one in Spokane, with the same healing success.
During his time in Portland, he had a vision in which an angle appeared. Opening a bible to the book of Acts, pointing to the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. The angle also called Lakes attention to other spiritual manifestations & revelations in the book and said: “This is Pentecost as God gave it through the heart of Jesus. Strive for this. Contend for this. Teach people to pray for this. For this, and this alone, will meet the necessity of the human heart, and this alone will have the power to overcome the forces of darkness.”
The Ministry of Christianity is the Ministry of the Spirit
The Healing Rooms ministry died in 1935 upon his death.
Fast forward to 1994….
In Redding, Ca. An Elder, Cal Pierce heard God speak to him telling him He wanted him to go to Spokane, Washington. Grave Site word. Re-dig the well of the Healing Rooms ministry started by J.G. Lake
July 22, 1999 Cal & Michelle reopened the Healing Rooms in Spokane, & even purchased the same property, owned by J.G.L.
Cal said he knew for this work to be available to the whole body of Christ, the focus must come off of a man John G. Lake & onto the Holy Spirit. Even though John G. Lake brought an amazing work to us, we must build upon that work. To have increase, we must go higher.
A few years later the IAHR Now almost 3000 Associated Healing Rooms around the world. Which we are also one of those entities.
Every Healing Room, no matter what city or what nation, must be a safe place for the sick to go. The power to heal the sick is the same, no matter where it’s located, coming by the power of God.
Healing Rooms establishes 3 things at every location, one, equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Two, bring unity in the location as the body of Christ can come together and minister in a healing room. And, three, it brings healing and restoration to God’s people.
Through the direction of the Holy Spirit Cal identified an essential need, in order to bring unity into the body of Christ, the spirit of religion which restricts the power of God in the church, had to be overcome.